In the area where the company has direct delivery service, the company will deliver the goods to the customer at the place where the customer is registered.
In other areas: Customers receive goods at HST's warehouse (In case customers need to transport in the form of a carrier, customers will bear shipping costs)
Delivery time in a day or 3-7 days depending on the service package and the product that customers are using. (In some special cases, the delivery time will be notified to the customer upon order confirmation.)
For repair orders, depending on the nature of the repair request, we may use a door-to-door repair method or the goods will be shipped to our warehouse.
- HST carries out the product installation / construction in person according to customer requirements.
- We can install for free or charge depending on a number of products.
- For products that require using's own techniques or operating software, we will provide them to ensure the safety and quality. In case the customer installs the product by himself or installs the software, the customer is responsible for the technique and all risks related to the product and people.